Onboard your dates easily and save hours of back and forth
Tired of answering the 1000th question about your "rules", "menu", "cancellation policy", and so on? Clientl helps prepare your clients for their date, without having to waste time following up on repetitive emails.

Put your onboarding on autopilot
Prior to your appointment, preempt any questions by sending off a comprehensive Welcome Pack email. Make sure your clients are aware of all the important stuff beforehand, and prevent any awkwardness during the actual date.
Set up in minutes
Create an introductory Welcome Pack at the click of a mouse, with all the relevant information that your clients need to know before the commencement of the date. Be ready in minutes with our industry standard template.
All in one place
Reiterate your payment policy, date etiquette and hygiene preferences. Make a list of possible gifts. Reduce no shows by explaining your cancellation process clearly. Be as verbose or as succinct as you want.
Customized branding elements
Include exclusive photos and customize your Welcome Pack emails to reflect your brand personality. Make it uniquely yours. No two Welcome Packs are the same, and our robust tools help to personalize your messaging.
Choose when to send
Your Welcome Pack is ready to send at your discretion (usually when the date draws near, send it off as a refresher). Let there be no excuse to say they forgot what they read weeks ago on your ad.